FWC:SmartSelect is avaible right now! Download FWC:SmartSelect
FlyWeb FlyWeb :ComponentsFWC:SmartSelect @ FlyWeb :Components
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Attributes of fwc:select tag

id (mandatory)
Unique ID of listbox on current page.

xmlns:fwc (mandatory)
The namespace URI. Must be set to http://alx.vingrad.ru/fwc.

The type of created component. Can be set to: combo - combobox (set by default), select - simple drop-out list without editing feature, text - text field with autocomplete.

The name of your CSS-table. Also can accept three predefined values: ss_winxp, ss_opera и ss_alx. By default library tries to detect browser automatically and use corresponding stylesheet.

XSL-file name.

The line displayed when it isn't chosen any item. By default it is value of first list item.

Defines multiple selection. By default is set to false.

Defines whether list should be closed in multiple selection if the key ctrl is not clamped. By default is set to false.

The line displayed before number of chosen items. By default displayed all chosen values through a comma.

The line displayed after line, defined fewprefix parameter, in case when all items are chosen.

The names of items separator at multiple choice, displayed in heading-line when the attribute fewprefix is not set.

The Number of symbols in title field at which starts autocompletion. By default is set to 1.

Defines, whether to accept user entered line if it does not coincide with no one of items. By default is set to: mode:combo - false, mode:text - true.

Disallow user input to list title. By default is set to false. Attention: start from 2.5 version is strongly recommended to use mode attribute sets to select instead of readonly.

Defines listbox width. By default is set to length of most longest item in the list.

The height (in pixel), at which scrolling appears in the list. By default is set to "100". If the value is set to "0" scroll will never appear.

Speed of animated listbox opening (in milliseconds). If set to "0" animation will be turned of. By default is set to 20.

Speed of animated listbox closing (in milliseconds). By default animation is turned off and value is set to 0.

JavaScript-handler of event, coming after loading and initialization the list.

JavaScript-handler of event, coming on user typing in title field. Can turn off execution of standart handler if returns false.

JavaScript-handler of choose item event.

JavaScript-handler of closing listbox.
© 2007 «Alexander Zinchuk» / FlyWeb :Components. License: MIT. Site by: FlyWeb / Design: Yaroslav Birzool.